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The complete Information To Understanding Proxy Sites

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작성자. Leonore Weigall 작성일24-02-23 11:42 조회6회 댓글0건


"proxy" refers to a proxy server "proxy" is a reference to the fact that a proxy or proxy server is an application that acts as an intermediary between a client and server via the internet. Without a proxy, a user would make a request to any source direct to a server, and it would deliver the resource directly for the client. It is easy to understand and implement, the addition of proxies offers advantages through improved security, performance, privacy as well as many other benefits. As a pass-through layer proxies act as a gatekeeper on the internet, separating servers and clients.

In general, the combination of server hardware along with installed proxy software is also commonly called proxy servers. But, this article will concentrate on proxy servers that are typically described as software as well as the ones used to complement web servers. This article will give an explanation of the two main types that are available, which include the forward proxy and reverse proxy. reverse proxy. Each kind has its own terminology that can cause confusion because of the overlap in terminology.


This article will provide an idea of the proxy types and their subtypes are and also their significance in normal settings. If you go through this article, you'll be able to identify scenarios in which an effective proxy is useful, and choose the most appropriate option between reverse proxy and forward proxy, in any scenario.

Understanding Forward Proxies

Also forward proxy also referred to as an open proxy is an agent of a user who is trying to make an online request to an server. In this case, any attempt to send requests by the client will rather be directed via an forward proxy. In this situation the forward proxy, acting on behalf of the client, will look into the request. At the beginning, it will decide whether the client is authorized to send requests through this specific forward proxy. Then, it can either deny requests or redirect them to their source server. The client is not able to have direct connection to the internet and has access to only what forward proxy allows the client to access.

The most common reason to use forward proxies is more privacy or protection online. Forward proxy accesses the internet on behalf of an individual client, and during this manner it could make use of an IP address that is distinct from the original IP of the client.

Based on the way it's setup depending on the way it's set up, forward proxy could perform a variety of functions as well as the ability to:

  • Beware of Ad-trackers.

  • Circumvent surveillance.

  • You can identify restrictions based upon your location.

Forward proxies are also utilized in systems that provide central security and permission-based access, for example at work. When all traffic on the internet flows through an open forward proxy, the administrator can allow only a handful of clients connection to internet that is blocked by a common firewall. Instead of maintaining firewalls for clients, that could be utilized by multiple computers with different configurations and environments A firewall could be added to the forward proxy layer.

Be aware the fact that forward proxy servers need to be manually set up before they can be used and reverse proxies can be not noticed by clients. Based on the fact that the IP address of the client has been sent to the origin server by the forward proxy, privacy and anonymity can be granted or hidden from view.

There are many options to take into consideration for forward proxies.

  • Apache The Apache is a well-known open-source web server that offers forward proxy capabilities.

  • Nginx: Another renowned open-source web server with forward proxy capability.

  • Squid is an open-source forward proxy using the HTTP protocol. Squid doesn't have the full web-based server. You can check out our article on the best way to install Squid proxy to connect private networks on Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Dante forward proxy, which uses on the SOCKS protocol, instead of HTTP which makes it more suitable for situations such as peer-to-peer communication. You could also look into how to configure Dante proxy for secure connections within Ubuntu 20.04

Understanding Reverse Proxies

Reverse proxy acts in the capacity of an agent on a web server and takes care of incoming requests by clients on its behalf. The web server could function as a single server or a number of servers. It can also include an application servers, such as Gunicorn. In any of these situations, the request may originate from a user on the internet in general. The request will typically be directly sent to the server on the internet that has the information the client is asking for. A reverse proxy is a intermediary that isolates the web server from direct communication with the open internet.

From the viewpoint of the client, interacting with reverse proxy isn't different from the interaction with an internet server direct. It's exactly the same, but the client doesn't see the distinction. The client asks for the resource, and is then provided with it, without any additional configuration needed by the client.

Reverse proxy providers provide features like:

  • Centralized security to web server.

  • The routing of traffic inbound is by rules you set up.

  • Additional functions for caching.

Central security is a benefit of both forward and reverse proxy, reverse proxies add this benefit to the layer on the webserver and not to the client layer. Instead of focusing on maintaining firewalls at the server level, that could include several servers that have various configurations, the bulk of firewall security could be focused at the reverse proxy layer. In addition, removing the responsibility of communicating with firewalls and communicating with requests from clients off web servers allows firewalls to focus on supplying resources.

In the event of multiple servers operating through a reverse proxy, the reverse proxy can be also responsible for directing what requests go towards which servers. There could be multiple web servers operating within the same system, serving different types of resources or a mix of the two. These servers use an HTTP protocol to serve as a normal web server. However, they can be equipped with applications server protocols like FastCGI. You can create reverse proxy that directs the clients to specific servers based on the resource being requested, or to adhere to certain rules regarding the amount of traffic.

Reverse proxies are also able to take advantage of their position ahead of web servers by using caching functions. The large static files can be set up using caching rules to avoid the web server from being hit with every request, with some options that let you serve static content without needing to connect to the servers in any manner. Additionally, the reverse proxy can be capable of compressing these assets.

The well-known Nginx web server can also function as a reliable reverse proxy service. Although Apache is a reverse proxy service and this Apache web server also comes with reverse proxy functions, which is an additional option for Apache and Nginx was initially designed for and specifically focuses on reverse proxy capabilities.

Distinguishing Forward and Reverse Proxy Use Examples

Because "forward" as well as "reverse" are associated with the notion of directionality and false connections with "incoming" as well as "outgoing" traffic, the names could be confusing as both types of proxies can handle both requests and responses. Better yet, the best method of separating the reverse as well as forward proxy is to take into account the needs of the application that you're developing.

Reverse proxy is beneficial when you're developing an application that can serve websites on the internet. They act as your web server in any interactions through the Internet.

A forward proxy is useful when presented to clients for personal use or even in a business setting. They are your client's representative for any interaction on the internet.

Utilizing case-based differentiation instead of focusing on common naming conventions will help you in avoidance of confusion.


This article will explain what is a "proxy" is, with two major types of proxies being the reverse proxy and forward proxy. Practical scenarios for use and a look at useful features were utilized to differentiate the two types of proxy: forward and reverse. If you're interested exploring how to set up proxies, read our tutorial on how to set up Nginx as a web server and reverse proxy on Apache on one Ubuntu 20.04 server.

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